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Chad Mercree Amy Mercree A Little Bit of Chakras: An Introduction to Energy Healing ISBN: 9781454938767 [ book ]

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Nrs. 400




Chad Mercree Amy Mercree A Little Bit of Chakras: An Introduction to Energy Healing ISBN: 9781454938767 [ book ]

Chakras began as part of the mystical Vedic tradition of Tantric and Kundalini Yoga, but they have evolved into pathways for healing and exploring the nature of consciousness. If you’ve ever wondered how to work with these amazing energy centers and optimize their benefits, this is the book for you. With gorgeous diagrams and visuals, and an accessible text by two renowned authors, it takes us into the heart of the chakra system, exploring its history and revealing how to use each one for transformation, well-being, increased vitality, and more.

Chad Mercree Amy Mercree A Little Bit of Chakras: An Introduction to Energy Healing ISBN: 9781454938767 [ book ]

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