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Chanakaya In Daily Life by Radhakrishnan Pillai [ Book ]

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Chanakaya In Daily Life by Radhakrishnan Pillai [ Book ]

Life is unpredictable and full of challenges. One wrong step and everything can come crashing down. In such a scenario, one often wishes for a roadmap of life, but how is that possible? Bestselling author Radhakrishnan Pillai's much-anticipated book, Chanakya in Daily Life, will help you navigate the rough seas of life and stay on course. Covering all aspects of life from the personal to the professional, it will tell you everything from how to begin your day to how to end it, how to choose the right job, stay financially secure, have a happy married life, raise your children the right way, achieve the perfect work-life balance and much more. Like always, Pillai decodes and simplifies the visionary king-maker Chanakya's teachings from the Arthashastra and Chanakya Niti to provide solutions for any problem that might crop up in any aspect of your life. Thus, Chanakya in Daily Life is the perfect guru who expects only one thing from the shishya-a willingness to learn.

About the Author

Radhakrishnan Pillai is the bestselling author of Corporate Chanakya, among many other widely read books. In this book, Chanakya in Daily Life, Pillai simplifies the teachings of Chanakya and shows us how we can use them in daily life in an easy-to-follow manner.Pillai is revered across the country not only as an author but also as a motivational speaker. This book is highly anticipated by all his followers as it is the first one that covers topics outside of one's professional life and has a holistic approach towards helping the reader tackle problems that they face on every front.

Chanakaya In Daily Life by Radhakrishnan Pillai [ Book ]

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