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Revolution Twenty 20: Love, Corruption, Ambition - Chetan Bhagat [ Book ]

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Revolution Twenty 20: Love, Corruption, Ambition - Chetan Bhagat [ Book ]

  • Author:Chetan Bhagat
  • Product details of Revolution Twenty 20: Love, Corruption, Ambition - Chetan Bhagat
  • Revolution Twenty 20: Love, Corruption, Ambition
  • Paperback
  • Book Type: Fiction
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 296 Pages
  • Publisher:Rupa & Co
  • ISBN:9788129135537
  • Product Dimension:13 x 1.9 x 19.7 cm

Gopal, Raghav and Aarti. They are childhood friends, with one of the boys wanting to use his intelligence for raking in the money and the other wants to fight the rut of the system. And in between them is Aarti. What ensues is a tale of love, heartbreak, dark politicians, power of money, friendship turning enmity and true happiness. This is a gripping tale which is sure to capture the attention of the youth who will find many scenarios of the book relatable to their personal lives. Chetan Bhagat is a master at writing novels which are easy to understand and its lucid language ensures its widespread popularity.

Revolution Twenty 20: Love, Corruption, Ambition - Chetan Bhagat [ Book ]

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