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The Republic By Plato [ Book ]

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The Republic By Plato [ Book ]

  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: Om Books International
  • Genre: Philosophy
  • Pages: 387

The Republic is a Socratic dialogue written by the Greek Philosopher Plato.

Summary of the Book

Plato recounts the dialogues of Socrates on the vast subject of justice, the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. Socrates speaks about the meaning of justice, demonstrating that what many consider to be just is only an extension of personal advantage. According to Socrates, such a definition of justice is grossly wrong and deserves to be overturned. A fellow philosopher argues that justice originally evolved from social contracts which were written to prevent the people involved from exacting revenge upon others. According to him, everyone who practices justice only does so due to fear of punishment. Socrates goes on to throw down that theory and explains that justice should be defined for a city rather than an individual. The dialogues then turn towards education, the constitution and the classes of society. Socrates addresses each of these topics and explains his ideals of justice, a righteous and self-sufficient government, and the faults of a tyranny. In doing so, he laid the basis for one of the oldest and most notable treatises on the republic, which was later collected by his primary student: the philosopher Plato.

About Plato and Socrates

Platowas a Greek philosopher and one of the most famous ofSocrates’ students. He founded the Academy in Athens and laid the foundations of Western Philosophy together with Aristotle.

Socrateswas a Greek philosopher, largely considered one of the greatest thinkers to have ever lived. He is best remembered for his legacy, embodied in the texts left behind by his most famous students:Xenophon,AristotleandPlato. Socrates was tried for being outspoken and influencing the youth of Greece to think liberally. He was sentenced to death by drinking the poison hemlock.

About Desmond Lee

Desmond Lee was an English classical scholar and a member of the faculty at Cambridge University. Among his translations areand, and.

The Republic By Plato [ Book ]

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